The relief on his face was instant

I was working off-duty with a buddy of mine, who was having trouble holding a conversation, he was so cooking in the Arizona 102oF heat. He must have been rashing up under his bullet proof vest, because he kept scratching, sticking his fingers in the edges of it, blowing down his own collar, and trying to lean into the A/C of his cruiser pulling on his tie to dirct the air into his shirt.

It was just another day I was bursting with pride that my own brother had invented the very thing that will solve such a widespread problem all over the world. I carry a few in the trunk just for such occasions, and handed one to my buddy. He inserted it in his collar and turned it on. It worked quickly, and within a minute, he was smiling in contented relief like an ol’ hound dog that had just let one rip.

You bet he’ll be wearing it in front of his friends, and telling them where he got it. If this thing enables more officers to wear their protective vests more often, it’s bound to start saving lives too. There’s nothing more satisfying than bragging about my brother and his invention.


One Response to “The relief on his face was instant”

  1. Paul says:

    Aug 2009
    Hello, I am the inventor. I wanted to let you know that I just started to put this fan on E-BAY WORLD WIDE to see what that market might bring. My invention is patented in the USA, Australia, Israel, and England. Each Government’s Patent office data bases were checked by their examiners, and cross checked with other government patent offices before issuing my patents. So I can, and do say that there is no other device in this world that works as like this. No, I do not “mass produce” just yet. That will come very soon. I am very happy to complete smaller orders now. In Tucson you should be able to inspect and test my vest cooling fans at Pima Uniforms 3760 S. Park Av. Tuscon, Az 85713